Company Departments

Milk Procurement & Extension Services

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In its endeavor to procure milk and reach and empower the farmers on matters milk production, Tarakwo Dairies, have established the department and staffed it with qualified personnel. The vision amongst others is;
  • To procure raw milk from suppliers and members and offer competitive prices all the year round. This would enable our suppliers take dairy as a business because the market of their raw milk would be assured.
  • Ensure prompt payment of raw milk delivered to the company every month. As a business this would enable our suppliers make financial projection and planning.
  • Ensure our members/ suppliers access inputs for their dairy farming activities at ease. These include farm inputs, artificial insemination services and soil testing services.
  • Working with likeminded stakeholders to empower our suppliers and members, through organized trainings, workshops, field schools, and exchange visits. These would empower our suppliers and members with knowledge’s to improve their farming activities hence leading to increased milk production , consequently improved incomes
  • Create employment to the youth as raw milk transporters to the main factory at Bayete centre.
  • Create linkage s between our suppliers and services providers on areas of interest.
